The Neon Dungeon Release! (Update 1.0.0)

Hello everyone! The Neon Dungeon is (for the moment) done and released! I have worked on this project for about 3 weeks now and I'm pretty happy with it, perhaps sometime I will come back and add more. like the shop I really wanted to add early on. I also wanna thank you guys for checking out my game and enjoying it with me! Now lets get to the list of new things added for this release!

Features added:

- Endless survival Arena now functions, step into this arena of sorts and see how long you can survive!

- New enemy: Tri shot enemy. this enemy shoot 3 bullets but takes twice as long to shoot as normal enemies

- Power up drop chance change, normal enemies have a 15% chance to drop a power up and the newly added Tri shot enemy has a 25% to drop a power up.

- When you complete a wave in the new endless mode there is a 50% chance that the wall types in the arena will chance (they will switch between the blue walls that bullets CANNOT pass through and the purple walls that ONLY bullets can pass through)

- the walls in the arena that can change also glow now

Bugs fixed:

- walls work as intended!


WebGLBuilds (5).zip Play in browser
Jan 27, 2023

Get The Neon Dungeon

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